Are you feeling boxed in?

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“We’re never truly stuck if we’re willing to put in the work and time to switch directions.”

– Ana Melikian

Have you ever felt like people were boxing you into a specific title, persona, or trait? It can be maddening, especially when we feel the box does not accurately portray who we are.

What if I told you you could turn that box into a platform? If you’re curious about what that means, you’re in the right place.

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Human Potential and Workplace Wellbeing: Fran Dean-Bishop interviews Ana Melikian, Ph.D.

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“I'm pro-self-development work, and it's part of my focus. Yet, I think it is a very narrow view of human potential because human beings—we are also connecting beings. We thrive with connection. We can achieve much more together than we can do alone.”

– Ana Melikian

Are you rising to your full potential? 

We’ve all likely asked ourselves that question before, with varying results.

My background in psychotherapy and psychology led me to the term “Human Potential,” and as I traverse my career journey, I continue to learn more layers to what makes us fulfill that potential in and outside of the workplace. 

The answers look different for everyone, but there are a few key similarities we all need to excel in life and business. 

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The Power of Choice: Do We Always Have One?

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Always is a strong word and can work as a simplification for complex topics. Today, I want to dive a little deeper into what it means to “Always have a choice,” how those choices can sometimes be overwhelming, and where our true power lies.

I discuss: 

  • Questioning the simplistic notion of “We Always Have a Choice”
  • The depth of choice in the context of life circumstances
  • Exploring the paradox of choice overload

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Exploring the Zone of Proximal Growth

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As human beings, we have extraordinary potential that we can tap into and actualize in our lives in significant ways—if we know how to leverage the innate tools we possess in our minds and bodies.  

A concept I love to speak about is what I call the Zone of Proximal Growth (ZPG), inspired by Vysgosky’s Zone of Proximal Development that I learned about when I was studying psychology at the University of Sunderland in England more than 30 years ago.

I discuss: 

  • Understanding the Zone of Proximal Development
  • How the Zone of Proximal Growth applies to personal development
  • Embracing the chance to expand my comfort zone

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AI Disruption: Do You Have the Right Mindset?

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I recently spoke about the unavoidable AI revolution and how we all have a choice in our response to this unwavering change—there are real risks attached to AI, making it even more critical to shepherd ourselves into a balanced and measured response. 

I discuss: 

  • AI revolution vs. AI disruption
  • The importance of the right mindset
  • The AI Dilemma and its potential risks

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Navigating the AI Revolution: Opportunities, Choices, and Impact

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”If we use AI to free us up to do more “stuff,” what are we gaining?

– Ana Melikian

The AI Revolution is here, and it’s not going anywhere. Join me as I walk through some opportunities, choices, and impacts that come alongside AI and my perspective on how to navigate them. 

I discuss: 

  • The inevitability of AI and our power in response
  • The benefits and risks of engaging with AI
  • Using AI to free up time and strengthen connections

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Ready, Set, Go: The Right Mindset For Succeeding

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“You are going to be successful in whatever you want to do if you learn something.” – Ana Melikian

Ready, set, go! We’ve all heard that phrase at least once, from races to playground games. Where do you fall in terms of your approach to goals and aspirations?

I fall into the ready, ready, set, set, set, category, with few instances of go. I tend to over-analyze and over-prepare before taking action. 

Today, I explore tendencies like perfectionism, being a quick starter, and the common practice of over-preparing or rushing into actions.

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The NEW Game of Service with Mitch Axelrod

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“If the people are serving the system, you have an inversion of value. If it gets extreme, you have a perversion of value, to where the system actually, instead of serving people, abuses people.” – Mitch Axelrod

I had the delight of speaking with Mitch Axelrod, entrepreneur, speaker, trainer, advisor, and a #1 Wall St. Journal, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon best-selling author. 

Mitch is a champion for soul-first living and has delivered 3,500 seminars, workshops, keynotes, webinars, executive briefings, and coaching clinics on business, entrepreneurship, sales, leadership, values, intellectual property, and life skills to more than a million people.

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From Resistance to Embracing Mel Robbins’ #5SecondRule

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I still remember clearly walking down the stairs in my family house where I grew up in Portugal, thinking about something I wanted to do. 

Without saying anything to my mom about my desires, she would somehow suggest the same thing I had been thinking.

And just like that, her suggestion was the kiss of death to my desire. Maybe this is typical teenage resistance. Annoying as it must have been to my mother, perhaps my resistance was good, a sign I  wanted to create my own way and identity. 

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The Power of Restart!

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The Power of Restart

When your computer starts to misbehave or run slower, common advice is to shut it down and restart it.

Many times, we resist this advice.

We have so much stuff open.

We are afraid of missing something.

It will take time.

And we can go on and on with excuses.

But we know that restarting can be the most powerful action we can take.

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