How to Never Forget a Password Again – Productivity Tool
Have you ever lost precious time trying to remember a password or having to request a new password?
If so, see the video (and/or read text) below.
I demo how to use an incredible tool that allows us to manage all our online passwords, and much more.
You will discover:
– How to store all your online passwords in a safe place.
– How to automatically log into websites without having to remember passwords.
– How to create strong passwords to protect your data.
This tool is available for Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad, and Android.
Have you ever lost precious time trying to remember a password or having to request a new password?
How to Have Multiple Copied Items (i.e., Clipboards) Organized in One Place
In this video (and text below) I explain how to use an amazing time saving tool called Clipboard Manager.
(Don't know what a clipboard manager is? Keep reading…)
Usually when we copy a word, phrase, email, web address, etc. we have to paste it straightaway because if you copy something new, the previous item copied is gone.
One of the functions of a clipboard manager is to allow us to have several items copied and then select the one that we want to paste when we need it.
If you see the video demo or read the text below you will understand the potentialities of this type of tool.
By seeing this video, you will learn:
TextExpander – A Simple Secret to Improve Your Productivity
In this video I explain how to use a tool as TextExpander to improve your productivity
This is a simple secret that can save you hours everyday.
By seeing this video you will learn: