Press Pause and Sharpen: Unlocking Your Full Potential
“That is the goal here: to empower you to press the pause button, increase your self awareness, and experiment with something new. ”
– Ana Melikian, Ph.D.
That promotion you want but feel unqualified for. The habit you want to form that you know would improve your quality of life but you just can’t seem to maintain it. The book you’ve been meaning to finish since college.
We all have things we want and strive to attain, we all have a voice in our head that is less than kind about our shortcomings that sometimes convinces us we’re incapable of achieving what we wish to accomplish.
I’m here to help you see a different way forward by unlocking your full potential.
Because the truth is: you have everything you need.
Imagine you are a pencil
Yes, a pencil. A wooden cylinder with a carbon mine inside. What can you do as a pencil? Well, you can write, draw, sketch, doodle, annotate, and even write in space with zero gravity.
When you pause to think about it, you are amazing.
Now imagine you rarely sharpen your pencil. A pencil with a worn tip is difficult to use, and the results you get are not as sharp and effective as they could be.
You know this. Why don't you stop and sharpen your pencil? No time, too many things going on, no sharpener at hand—add your own excuse to this list.
Whatever your excuse may be, whether you want to admit it or not, you are not tapping into your full potential.
You could choose to press the pause button, be aware of yourself, discover your thinking patterns, name your feelings and emotions, and see your actions and behaviors under a different light. You might even see your amazing potential in your mind's eye first.
And that is the goal here, to empower you to press the pause button, increase your self awareness, and experiment with something new.
The goal here is to offer you a safe space where you can sharpen your pencil.
You have the power to transform the life you have now into the life you dream of, desire, and deserve.
Mindset work can be one of the best tools to sharpen your pencil, but sometimes it can also get you frustrated. Maybe you consume more than your fair share of self developed materials, and still struggle to implement what you learn in your daily life. Others seem to have found a way to break out, achieving more while enjoying the process and creating an impact while having a life tool.
You have even had a glimpse of this in your own life, but it isn't your MO, modus operandi. These moments of hope and delight prove it's possible, yet they often remain elusive.
To change this dynamic, it's important to understand what mindsets are, how they work, and how they create the life you are living. Once you learn how to work with your mindsets, you can leverage your strengths, compensate for your weaknesses, and be well on your way to living the life you have been dreaming about for so long.
The above section is a snippet from chapter one of my book, Mindset Zone: Actualize Your Human Potential, the culmination of my work on the Mindset Zone podcast, my studies, and the conversations I have daily in my life and profession.
I have a fierce passion for helping others uncover their potential; to work with themselves, not against themselves, and lean into everything they’ve hoped to achieve.
Does that sound good? Then you’re in the right place.
I can help you put the key in the lock, all you have to do is turn it.
You can also listen to me read this excerpt on the Mindset Zone.