Preventing Burnout and Embracing Wellness: Jen Du Plessis interviews Ana Melikian, Ph.D.

“We have to develop that capacity of pressing the pause button.” – Ana Melikian In this episode*, the amazing Jen Du Plessis interviews me about my journey, from overcoming dyslexia to how I leveraged my passion for psychology to help individuals unlock their true potential. We delve deep into the topic of burnout and discuss… Continue reading Preventing Burnout and Embracing Wellness: Jen Du Plessis interviews Ana Melikian, Ph.D.

The Power of Gratitude

Most people agree how important it is to be grateful. Research in Psychology also supports the power of gratitude. In her book–The How of Happiness–Sonja Lyubomirsky, dedicates a full chapter to this topic. She uses a definition from a world’s leading expert on gratitude–Robert Emmons:  Gratitude is “a felt sense of wonder, thankfulness, and appreciation for… Continue reading The Power of Gratitude