Insights on AI and Leadership with Dale Bertrand

Use AI to help you do the work, not to avoid the work.” – Dale Bertrand In this episode, Ana Melikian sits down with Dale Bertrand, the founder of FireSpark, to discuss the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace and beyond. They delve into how AI is reshaping business models, marketing strategies,… Continue reading Insights on AI and Leadership with Dale Bertrand

Journey to Maximizing Impact: Tyler Wagner interviews Ana Melikian, Ph.D.

“We have to be able to see the space between the stimulus and the response.” -Ana Melikian, Ph.D. In this episode of Mindset Zone, Authors Unite founder Tyler Wagner interviews Ana Melikian, PhD, for a transformative discussion on the systemic approach to human potential and the management of burnout. Ana introduces the listeners to her… Continue reading Journey to Maximizing Impact: Tyler Wagner interviews Ana Melikian, Ph.D.