Why Fast Isn’t Always Better: Strategy Lessons from Seth Godin

“It doesn’t matter how fast you’re going if you’re going in the wrong direction.” – Seth Godin In this episode, host Ana Melikian sits down with the renowned author Seth Godin to discuss the profound importance of strategy in an era of rapid technological change. Seth emphasizes that it doesn’t matter how fast we’re moving… Continue reading Why Fast Isn’t Always Better: Strategy Lessons from Seth Godin

Navigating Change and Identity in the Age of AI Disruption

“It is an odd reality of being human that we are always changing, yet we dislike change. Especially too much, too fast.” -Giles Crouch | Digital Anthropologist In this episode, host Ana Melikian explores the paradox of human evolution amidst technological advancement, with a focus on identity shift in the digital era. Drawing insights from… Continue reading Navigating Change and Identity in the Age of AI Disruption