The Power of YET – A Growth Mindset Secret

The idea behind this podcast is that our mindsets determine the way we see the world. And, because it’s so easy to stay stuck in Fixed Mindsets, that prevents us from learning new things, it’s vital to intentionally cultivate Growth Mindsets. These concepts of Fixed and Growth Mindsets are based on the work of Carol… Continue reading The Power of YET – A Growth Mindset Secret

Age is an Advantage

If you are trying to make a difference – with whatever you are doing at this moment in your life – do you see age as an advantage or a disadvantage? Today, in our western society, a common belief is that as we age, our opportunities to make a difference diminish. Often we rationalize our… Continue reading Age is an Advantage

How to Increase Your Positivity

Take a minute to do this awareness exercise: Look around the room and count how many red objects you see. Write that number down.

What’s In a Name

Why do we spend so long to decide about a name? The name of our children, the name of our pets, the name of our business. I spent a long time thinking about how to name this podcast. If you followed me from the inception of this show, you know that I started as the… Continue reading What’s In a Name

The Power of Gratitude

Most people agree how important it is to be grateful. Research in Psychology also supports the power of gratitude. In her book–The How of Happiness–Sonja Lyubomirsky, dedicates a full chapter to this topic. She uses a definition from a world’s leading expert on gratitude–Robert Emmons:  Gratitude is “a felt sense of wonder, thankfulness, and appreciation for… Continue reading The Power of Gratitude

React or Create – Your Choice

Think about a time when you lost your car keys, and you are already running late. You know that they have to be somewhere in your house, and you almost sure that you left them in the kitchen, but you can’t see them anywhere. You feel the stress build and know that doesn’t help, but… Continue reading React or Create – Your Choice

Searching for Meaning – Are You Aiming High Enough?

One of my favorite books is Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search For Meaning.” It’s a powerful book, divided into two parts. Part One is an account of Frankl’s experiences as a prisoner in several concentration camps during the Second Word War. His recollections are sad, moving, and inspiring. One of my favorite passages:

Blind Spots – We All Have Them

I received touching comments from Episode 4 where I focused on Carol Dweck’s book, “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.” Here are a few: “If you ever wanted to make a difference in the world, you certainly did change my world with this podcast.” “What a great topic, Ana. I’ve read Dr. Dweck’s book and… Continue reading Blind Spots – We All Have Them

Follow Your Passion – Worst Advice Ever?

Not long ago, I read a book entitled: So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love The author, Cal Newport, argues that “follow your passion” is bad advice. So often, we hear this advice “follow your passion”, that we don’t question its validity. What I love about Cal Newport’s… Continue reading Follow Your Passion – Worst Advice Ever?

Growth Mindset – Yes, We Can Learn It

The secret of success for self-employed professionals is developing a growth mindset. What does that mean? Let me define the opposite – fixed mindset.