Differentiating Stressed from Overwhelmed – Why is this important?

“When we use ‘stressed’ and ‘overwhelmed’ as the same, we lose a container for when things get really overwhelming—when we feel upside down and underwater.” – Ana Melikian Have you ever noticed how drinking your morning coffee from your favorite mug makes that experience magical? In her book, Atlas of the Heart, American researcher and… Continue reading Differentiating Stressed from Overwhelmed – Why is this important?

Message In A Bottle. To The Moon and Beyond.

“It’s a miracle that we are here—that we are curious beings who want to learn and expand possibilities for ourselves, for the ones around us, for the world, and for the universe.” – Ana Melikian When you were a child, did you get a chance to write a message on a piece of paper, put… Continue reading Message In A Bottle. To The Moon and Beyond.

Differentiating Stressors & Stress Responses for Improved Well-being

“If you can see the space between stimulus and response, you start having the power to choose your response. This is the core of self-leadership and your self-development” – Ana Melikian What is the difference between a stressor and a stress response? The answer—that the stressor is what triggers the stress response—may be simple and… Continue reading Differentiating Stressors & Stress Responses for Improved Well-being

Understanding Burnout: A Reflection

“We can certainly learn how to be more efficient, how to be high-performance, how to make a bigger positive impact, and still have the energy to enjoy the fruits of our labor—and that is really important.” – Ana Melikian Have you checked in with yourself to see if you’re exhausted at work? Have you asked… Continue reading Understanding Burnout: A Reflection

Defining Mindsets

“We can embrace mindsets as habits that our minds depend on—formed by previous experiences and the unconscious and conscious beliefs that we form along the way.” Ana Melikian I believe that leveraging our mindsets can allow us to release our potential as individuals, groups, and organizations. But before we can tap into it, we need… Continue reading Defining Mindsets

Did You Live An Intentional Day, Today?

“Here and now, you can be more intentional with your attention. Think of it as a muscle that you can strengthen.” Ana Melikian Do you live an intentional life? In today’s fast-paced, attention-hungry society, many people go through the day on autopilot – completing all the same tasks, day in and day out, with little… Continue reading Did You Live An Intentional Day, Today?

The Happiness Pie

“We cannot force positivity. Yet, we can create conditions that facilitate positive emotions to happen.” Ana Melikian In The How of Happiness, Sonja Lyubomirsky introduces the concept of the Happiness Pie. She explains that, while research suggests that 50% of our well-being is determined by our genetics, only 10% is determined by life circumstances. The… Continue reading The Happiness Pie

From Resistance to Embracing Mel Robbins #5SecondRule

“You were inspired by somebody and you have a request? Make it! That’s why you’re here! Experiment with it, and I think you’ll be shocked about what happens.” Mel Robbins Sometimes we humor our knee-jerk reactions of resistance too much. In this episode, I talk about Mel Robbins’ The 5 Second Rule, explaining why and… Continue reading From Resistance to Embracing Mel Robbins #5SecondRule

Life is Two Days…

Tommy Acierno Interviews Ana Melikian, Ph.D. “Life is two days, and the first we spend waking up.” Ana Melikian, Ph.D. In this rebroadcasted episode, Tommy and I have a conversation about how our mindsets influence our relationships, career, and success. We note that to create real, sustainable, and lasting change, it’s up to us to… Continue reading Life is Two Days…

The Other Side of Mindset Limitations

In a previous episode, I spoke about “mindset limitations” as some of the beliefs, conscious or unconscious, that constrain the way we see, think, and feel the world around us. I explore some of my own mindset blind spots around the pursuing happiness fallacy.  Here, I want to focus on the other side of mindset… Continue reading The Other Side of Mindset Limitations