Celebrating Craft in Business & Life with Adam McKee

“Celebrating craft, celebrating what you’re good at, is what I wanna spend my life’s work on.” -Adam McKee In this episode, host Ana Melikian is joined by Adam McKee, a visionary small business owner and craftsman from Lincoln, Nebraska. Adam delves into the ethos of celebrating craft in both business and life, sharing his experiences… Continue reading Celebrating Craft in Business & Life with Adam McKee

Are you feeling boxed in?

In this episode of the MINDSET ZONE, host Ana Melikian delves into the concept of being boxed in and the ways in which we categorize things in our lives. Ana shares her insights on how our brains are wired to simplify and categorize, leading to the tendency to put things in boxes or categories. She… Continue reading Are you feeling boxed in?

Exploring the Zone of Proximal Growth

In this episode, your host, Ana Melikian, delves into the concept of the Zone of Proximal Growth (ZPG) and its implications for personal and professional development. Ana draws from her background in psychology and her own experiences to explain the ZPG, highlighting the potential for growth just beyond our comfort zones. By sharing her own… Continue reading Exploring the Zone of Proximal Growth

Courage to Leap and Lead with CB Bowman

“My intent is not to shame or blame. My intent is to create awareness.” – CB Bowman This episode is a re-broadcast of an interview with CB Bowman, who is publishing her new book “Courage to Leap & Lead.” CB Bowman is a certified Master Corporate Executive Coach (MCEC), podcast host, and keynote speaker. In… Continue reading Courage to Leap and Lead with CB Bowman